October 17, 2006

“… I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.” Genesis 3:10 (NKJV)

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:33 am by Devotions with MYK. Come, walk with me.

   This was the reply that Adam gave when, “…the LORD God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ (Genesis 3:9 NKJV)”. Pretty straight forward answer. Adam heard GOD in the garden, and then hid because he was naked. But wasn’t Adam always naked before GOD, to begin with? What happened to make him hide?

   After eating from “…the tree of the knowledge of good and evil… (Book of Genesis).”

Adam realized that he was now naked before GOD. Naked is defined as; defenseless, exposed, vulnerable or unprotected. Adam, felt “all” these things once he knew that he had sinned before GOD.

   For most people, followers in CHRIST or not, exposing ourselves to GOD can be a nightmare from the pit itself. In the eyes of our LORD we are exposed for who and what we really are. There is “no” hiding. We maybe able to cover up our deeds, or don a mask to fit the occasion and our family and friends may each think that they know “the real” you. But once we come face to face with the TRUTH of CHRIST, we are fully exposed, we are vulnerable. We are not protected behind the mask. And even with our best defenses up, we realize that we are merely defenseless in face of HIS glory.

   This revelation can be shocking. Knowing this truth, some will undoubtedly deny CHRIST. The fear of being stripped of all defenses, having no power, before the Creator, can be overwhelming. That’s why, some refuse to come to accept CHRIST. And still, some believers have yet to come to terms with this TRUTH. They fear being exposed before HIM. So when the LORD walks with them, they hide as Adam did. For they call him with their tongues, but continue to hammer the nails with their actions!!!

                                                         Your Brother in Arms for CHRIST


1 Comment »

  1. Daniel Hernandez said,

    hey Mike ! i like the site !

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